CHEMGUARD is the Brand name of chemical products produced by GHI. CHEMGUARD has specific product names depending on application sector Adhesives is Chemdyne, Sealant is Chemseal, Cleaner si Chemclean, Lubricant is Chemlube, Rust Inhibitor is Chemrust, Coating Agents is Chemkote, Epoxy Adhesive is Chempoxy, Waterproofing is Chemproof, Aerosol and Other Chemical is Chemtech R&D department performs improving the products performance.
We supply mainly chemical related products and consumable materials to building, construction industry, shipbuilding, automobile, machinery industry, petroleum industry. Through customer satisfaction management, we promise to innovate the company's resources and organization in a customer-oriented way and provide the best products with the best service. We will create new value with differentiated quality and competitiveness by cultivating business capability with the best talent and accumulated technology.
GHI MALL, an online shopping mall. It is equipped with about 8,000 chemical-related products and consumable materials for each field. It provides information of products and provides the best we will make a new leap forward the site. We are currently in the process of renewing our homepage for better service and we will do our best to become an online shopping mall that is born again on January 1, 2019 and implements more convenience, speed and accuracy to our customers. There are also Indmall and Gluemall operated by affiliated companies.
We have been selected as "2017 Export Promising Small and Medium Enterprise" and now we are exporting architectural chemical products to Southeast Asia. We will export and import more products in the future to contribute to national competitiveness and select high quality products to provide prompt information and excellent products to our customers with the best service.
Based on its own technology and know-how, GHI works closely with industry, academia and research to carry out various national projects and new development projects with innovative thinking, deliberately and creatively. We will continue to research and develop talented people in various fields such as development of new products and substitution of localization of imported goods.